Gabriel and his partner Andy adopt a child. But Gabriel has a history and he will need to embark upon a journey of self-discovery and attempt to repair his relationship with his dad before he can truly begin to parent 7-year old Jake.
演员:郭书瑶 禾浩辰 刘品言 马志翔 李至正 张寗 夏腾宏
演员:连俞涵 温升豪 郭子乾 李杏 薛仕凌 黄健玮 许安植
演员:洪永城 傅嘉莉 郑俊弘 李成昌 欧阳伟豪 郑诗君 杜燕歌 韩马利 张达伦 阮政峰 罗浩铭 陈荣峻 吴香伦 倪嘉雯 方绍聪 古佩玲 吴卓衡 李梓谦 梁芷珮